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The state database “Electronic Register of Experts” is established

There is established the electronic register of experts which will be an aid in the court proceedings that take place at the Albanian courts: On the proposal of the Minister of Justice, the Council of Ministers, by decision no. 502 dated 24.06.2020, published in the Official Journal no. 121/2020, decided to set up the state database “Electronic Register of Experts” which aims at storing, administering and processing data in electronic form for experts who meet the conditions to register in it, according to the definition of Article 224/d of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Albania, as amended, grouping them according to their area of ​​expertise and the place where they work.

Experts are registered in the “Electronic Register of Experts“, for whom the special laws which regulate the organization and function of the profession or a certain field provide for their licensing. This register, as a basis for state data is made in Web-based format and hosted on the government datacenter located in the National Agency for Information Society (AKSHI).

Users will be separated into administrator, editor and reader.
